Contact Us
TICKETS & GENERAL QUESTIONS: call (585) 234-9647 "The Hotline"
Stay in touch with us by:
(1) Checking this website!
2) Facebook page: "Point Pleasant Sportsmen Raffle"
3) Twitter page: @PointRaffle <hasn't been updated in awhile>
Note: Regular attendees of our event were mailed tickets March. If you took a year or two off and would like to be put back on the mailing list, fill out our form or call the HOTLINE. 585-234-9647
Point Pleasant Firemen's Association
55 Ewer Avenue
Rochester, New York 14622
PHONE (585) 323-2030
FAX (585) 544-3278
Facebook: @pointpleasant
We are your volunteer firefighters that serve and protect the residents of the Point Pleasant Fire District in Irondequoit, New York. Fundraisers like this help us in membership retention by supporting our programs like softball team, drill team, as well as association building upkeep. We thank you for your support!!
TICKETS & GENERAL QUESTIONS: call (585) 234-9647 "The Hotline"
Stay in touch with us by:
(1) Checking this website!
2) Facebook page: "Point Pleasant Sportsmen Raffle"
3) Twitter page: @PointRaffle <hasn't been updated in awhile>
Note: Regular attendees of our event were mailed tickets March. If you took a year or two off and would like to be put back on the mailing list, fill out our form or call the HOTLINE. 585-234-9647
Point Pleasant Firemen's Association
55 Ewer Avenue
Rochester, New York 14622
PHONE (585) 323-2030
FAX (585) 544-3278
Facebook: @pointpleasant
We are your volunteer firefighters that serve and protect the residents of the Point Pleasant Fire District in Irondequoit, New York. Fundraisers like this help us in membership retention by supporting our programs like softball team, drill team, as well as association building upkeep. We thank you for your support!!